
GIO-Audit: A complete Data center Asset tracking, Scanning and Management system. Adronics – GIO-Audit asset tracking system simplifies the asset recording by location, status & condition of the assets and also ensures timely availability of these information when and where needed. When the auditor scans these devices in a center, the system generates an audit summary report. The report summarizes the devices found both in the database and in the center and also devices missing at either one of these ends. The user shall initiate workflow processes to reconcile these discrepancies.

Global Infrastructure Organizer Audit services:

Scope – Carefully collect Device data across Data centers and record them for Data center Inventory, capacity, utilization, asset track records, to avoid production impacts for better quality of experience and efficient cost management.

Collecting Data – There are various steps involved in identifying the devices and its statuses/Implementation. The steps includes collecting asset detail, as well as device property, warranty, connectivity for power, utilization, integrating existing data sources and load them into GIO-Net etc,.

Labeling/Bar-coding – Labeling/Bar-coding of the devices and connections are recommended and performed during the process of auditing individual devices .

Data Loading into GIO – Collected data is loaded through the data mapping and bulk loudening feature of the system.

Integration and Validation – Collected data will be Integrated with the existing systems and tested thoroughly for the accuracy, Integrity and quality to support the business decision.

Overall the GIO-Audit system provides device centric bird’s eye view.

Such sophisticated system

  • improves the overall efficiency of the data center and network
  • management system.
  • Increases the productivity by collecting data faster in greater detail
  • Eliminates human error
  • Personal responsibility and accountability is enforced to protect
  • company assets.
  • Compliance reporting with more accuracy in no time.
  • Robust system to minimize equipment loss.